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Wherever used in these conditions, the following terms are understood to have the meaning given thereto below.
Activities: all work, including unloading, receipt, storage, discharge, loading, stock management, assembly, order handling, order picking, preparation for shipping, invoicing, information exchange and management, transport whether or not by third parties, and the completion of customs declarations with regard to Goods.
Agreement: the agreement concluded between Efulfilment and Client with regard to the Activities to be carried out by Efulfilment, of which these Conditions form part.
Auxiliary Persons: all persons – not being the subordinates of Efulfilment – used by Efulfilment in the performance of the Activities.
Business Days: all days, with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays and oficial public holidays as recognized in the country or region where Activities are to be performed.
Client: the party granting an instruction for the performance of the Activities to Efulfilment and the party with whom the lafter concludes the Agreement.
Conditions: the conditions applicable to the Agreement, including these conditions dated August 2021 and re- vised versions.
Delivery: the action as a result of which Efulfilment surrenders control of the Goods and allows the Client or a third-party to exercise control over the Goods, or if Efulfilment has assumed a transport obligation, the action as a result of which Efulfilment, with the explicit or tacit approval of a carrier, relinquishes control of the Goods to the lafter.
Efulfilment: a private limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands, having its regis- tered ofice in Almere, The Netherlands and its business ofice at Radioweg 4, 1324 KW Almere, The Netherlands, registered with the commercial register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under reg- istration number 68240082, being the party concluding the Agreement with the Client and the party under whose title the Activities are performed.
Efulfilment Centre: the space(s) where the Activities take place.
Force Majeure: all circumstances that a diligent (logistics) service provider could not have avoided and the consequences of which it could not have prevented. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, fire, explosion and flooding as a result of natural disasters, as well as the consequences thereof.
Freight Forwarding: the transport of the Goods on behalf of the Client by one or more carriers subject to one or more ap- propriate transport agreements.
Goods: the goods made available by or on behalf of the Client to Efulfilment or its Auxiliary persons with a view to the performance of the Agreement.
Receipt: the action whereby the Client, with the explicit or tacit approval of Efulfilment or its Auxiliary Persons, relinquishes control of the Goods to the lafter.
Stock Discrepancy: an inexplicable difference between the physical stock and the stock administration of Efulfilment, subject to evidence to the contrary by the Client.
Any contrary conditions or regulations of the Client are not applicable, unless accepted explicitly and in writing by Efulfilment in advance. These Conditions apply to the relationship between the parties, also after the Agreement is no longer in force.
Efulfilment is obliged:
The movement of Goods as referred to in this clause 8 of this article will be for the account of Efulfilment, unless such a move is required:
The transport related to the movement of Goods takes place subject to the regulations referred to in article 2 clause 3 of these Conditions.
Any costs related to the inspection are for the Client’s account;
If Efulfilment persistently fails imputably in the fulfilment of one or more of its obligations as referred to in article 3 above, the Client, without prejudice to its right to compensation of damage in accordance with article 5 below, can terminate (ont- binden) the Agreement with immediate effect, in full or part, after:
The Client does not have this right if the default, in view of its special nature or minor importance, does not justify the disso- lution (ontbinding) of the Agreement and its consequences.
The Client is obliged:
If the Client fails in the fulfilment of one or more of its obligations as referred to in article 6 above, Efulfilment may, withoutprejudicetoitsrighttocompensation,
terminatetheAgreement, infullorpart, withimmediateeffect, aftergivingthe Client, in writing, a final term of at least 7 (seven) days for fulfilment. Efulfilment may,
if the giving of such a final term would disproportionately harm its operational interests, also terminate the Agreement without providing any such final term.
Efulfilment is entitled to suspend the performance of its obligations if the Client fails to fulfil one or more of its obliga- tions as referred to in article 6. This right of suspension can also be invoked against creditors of the Client. The Client may not suspend any of its obligations under any Agreement or ant Condition.
If the Client fails to fulfil its obligations as referred to in article 6, Efulfilment is – at its sole discretion – entitled to:
move the Goods to other spaces for the risk and account of the Client, and/or;
effect the private or public sale of the Goods for the account of the Client after expiry of 14 (fourteen) days after notifying the Client in writing and providing notification of the intended sale, without any further formalities being required; and/or
abandon or destroy the Goods if it is likely that costs of sale of the Goods will be higher than the proceeds thereof, or if, despite a reasonable aftempt thereto by Efulfilment, no buyer can be found, whereby the costs of abandon- ment or destruction will be for the account of the Client.
All legal relationships with Efulfilment are governed by Dutch law. Any dispute shall be submifted to the District Court of Amsterdam, The Netherlands in the first instance.
General terms and conditions PDF